Shower Resurfacing

Shower resurfacing done on site without removal. Whether your shower is enamel, acrylic or fibreglass. All shower trays can be restored to as new with our new pouring re-enamelling process Which is by far the most durable resurfacing product because it is totally impervious to water. Also it is much harder to chip and unlike spray on coatings it can handle the ware and tare inflicted by the use of non-slip shower mats. 

Shower repair

Cracked Shower resurfacing is our specialty. Over the years we have been very successful with those problem trays that most will not attempt. Even though Shower repair takes a lot longer and is hard to do. We can repair most of them. However sometimes a tray can be beyond repair. If for instance the crack comes very close or goes through the drain. In which case Shower resurfacing is not an option.

Before Replacing a shower tray

Sometimes we can’t repair your shower this we will freely admit. But before you decide to replace your tray there is one more option. And that is to get a Shower insert, you might try Inner Bath Brisbane – Bath & Shower Relining – Brisbane’ wide they may be able to help avoid total replacement.

As for all other Shower repairs and shower resurfacing our pouring technique is able to cover ditches and is ideal for sealing rust and other imperfections. Shower resurfacing is the answer to the shower tray blues.

Re sealing v Shower Resurfacing

People often ask do you do shower resealing? Our re-enamelling process has a sealing affect. Because it is much more than a paint. However in most cases it is not the shower tray that leeks. Unless there is a hole or a crack in the tray. It is more likely that the water is getting through the gap between tiles and the shower tray. Which is a silicon or grouting problem and resurfacing your shower will not help there. So you might need the ” Water Leak King”  They will be able to re seal your shower even if it is a tiled base.

Shower Bath Resurfacing

The shower bath is considerably smaller than the normal bath so let us know when asking for a quote. But like shower trays can often have a ditch in the bottom because of the large flat area in the base of the bath.

Ordinary resurfacing coatings would fail because of the pooling water most resurfacing products are only water resistant and not impervious to water However the Pouring Enamel  is not only impervious to water but it can fill out those ditches up to 5 mm deep and leave you with a bath that drains as it should making the surface a lot easier to keep clean and stain free. 

Call now  we can beautify your shower bath in one quick visit. There is no need to put up with a unsightly bath help is just a call away.